Our 9am service follows a traditional Methodist order of worship, with traditional hymns and the choir singing an anthem. Communion is celebrated each Sunday and our table is open to all — no membership required. Children are welcome as well. (Nursery open for this service.) For more information, visit
What to Expect.
Our Modern Service has traditional elements with a praise band playing contemporary praise music. It’s a mix of traditional and contemporary elements — sometimes called a “blended” service. Communion is celebrated each Sunday and our table is open to all — no membership required. Children are welcome as well. We also offer our Nursery for younger + Kids Worship for 3-year olds thru 5th graders during 11am service. For more information, visit
What to Expect.
Taizé Gathering is held once a month on the 2nd Sunday. It's a quiet, candlelit ecumenical worship service — a time to be still and listen to God’s voice — featuring scripture, simple songs, Communion and prayer. ONSITE ONLY.
For more information,
What to Expect.
Our labyrinth is designed to quiet the mind and lead the walker in a winding route to the center, featuring seating for additional meditation and contemplation.
Walking the labyrinth can be…
—A path to prayer
—A time of renewal and release
—To quiet the mind
—To evoke images/dreams/memories
—To ask an important life question
Whether you want to catch up on missed sermons or revisit your favorites, you can find most of our past worship services at the button above.
We are honored to have you worship with us! Thank you for submitting a Connection Card.
PHYSICAL 1502 RR 620 North
Lakeway, Texas 78734
MAILING P.O. Box 341268
Lakeway, Texas 78734
512-266-9877 • ltumc.org
© 2024 Lake Travis United Methodist Church