You were created for community. Find your place to belong at Lake Travis United Methodist Church.
Life is better together because you were created for community! Become a part of an LTUMC group or community to experience authentic gospel relationships, encouragement and Christian growth. Plus, you’re sure to find fun too! You can find a place to belong at LTUMC no matter where you are on your spiritual journey... let’s explore our purpose together.
Click below to contact us about starting a new group on our church campus!
Thank you for signing up to receive our weekly newsletter! Look for our newsletter on Thursdays at 4:30pm.
Activity Center, Room 101
Exploring what the stories of Jesus’ female ancestors can teach us today.
Jim Miles,
Patty Miles
East Annex
Habits of the household: simple practices to help you and your family draw closer to God.
Adam Curtis
Wed, 9:15-10:30am
Activity Center, Rm 201 and Zoom
Inspiring Moms meets each week for Bible Study, prayer time and fellowship. It’s a time to be still and take a breath in the midst of your busy days. Join when you can, know you’re missed when you can’t and feel no guilt!
CONTACT Jenni Oaks,
Leslie Rhode
Tue, 9:15-11am
Activity Center, Rm 203
You are invited to join this women’s Bible Study where for 7 sessions, we will learn how spiritual disciplines are essential to a more vibrant spiritual life and knowing God more intimately.
CONTACT Jamie Winters-Johnson
Thu, 10-12pm
Activity Center, Rm 101 and Zoom
The Women at the Well Bible Study is a great way to anchor your week with a group of women that are seeking and learning together. We enjoy a variety of studies from the topical to the inspirational to studies on books of the Bible. Our studies help prepare us to be better disciples while we encourage each other to lead accountable lives.
CONTACT Esther Burns, Paula Bryant
Mon/Fri during school year
Be a part of a new, beautiful, powerful, and virtual prayer group! We pray from 8:43-8:50am, from wherever you are. Our prayer focus is our schools, teachers, staff, students and parents. Contact
Jen Smets to receive the GroupMe app link for prayer notifications. Everyone is welcome to join!
Jen Smets
A Discipleship Group is a gender-specific group of 4-5 people (including the leader) who meet together weekly for 6-9 months for the purpose of spiritual transformation. Discipleship Groups focus on growing a deeper relationship with Christ. The format of a Discipleship Group is not one of a teacher-student, but rather a roundtable discussion that is anchored in the CALL Process.
CONTACT Jenni Oaks, Brian Oaks
Young@Heart is a ministry for mature adults focused on making Christian connections, going on social outings and sponsoring educational opportunities. Activities dates and times vary.
Next Class: Fall 2024 Session
(Aug 22-Nov 21, skip Oct 31)
GriefShare is a friendly, caring group of people who will walk alongside you through the loss of a loved one. You don’t have to go through the grieving process alone. GriefShare will help you face these challenges and move toward rebuilding your life.
6pm Handbell Rehearsal
7:15pm Choir Rehearsal
Worship Center, Wesley Rm
In addition to adult choir and adult handbells, there are opportunities to participate in our Praise Team band and Taizé acoustic ensemble. Our Music Arts Academy provides private music lessons for both children and adults too.
Patty Highland
This is an online group discussion exploring the issues of diversity, equity and inclusion. Fall and spring sessions typically use books on diversity as a starting point for discussions.
Marilyn Cobb
Four Points Thu, 6:30-8am
Lakeway Thu, 7-8:15am
Bible study groups include a meal, time to connect, Bible Study and small-group discussion. Our lessons are filled with practical truth for navigating the everyday challenges of life. In addition to our live gatherings, we post the weekly lesson online so you can watch or listen from wherever you are.
Four Points Tim Jones
Alan Palesko,
Brian Oaks
[Programs of the United Methodist Church]
3rd Tue, Sept-May
9:30am Susanna Wesley Circle
7pm Growing Friendship Circle
Worship Center, Wesley Rm
UMW is a supportive fellowship of women focused on learning about missions and contributing time and money to local and global missions and charities.
Debby Duplantis
2nd Sat, 8am
Activity Center, Gym
UMM is a men’s group that meets monthly for breakfast and fellowship. The focus of this group is Christian fellowship, Christian service and Christian leadership.
CONTACT Rocky Howard
Emmaus is a 3-day retreat experience which takes a New Testament look at Christianity as a lifestyle. The objective is to inspire, challenge, and equip local church members for Christian action in all phases of life.
Kimothy Dixon
Our Wesley Nurse, Marley Anders, encourages physical, emotional and spiritual wellness in relationship with God and one another. Faith-based community nursing services include individuals, families and congregations as active partners in their personal health. Our Wesley Nurse, empowers our community and fosters an environment of caring and compassion.
Mon/Wed/Fri, 9-9:30am
Activity Center Gym
Our Walking Group is a great way to get healthy! We walk indoors in the comfort of the climate-controlled gym in the Activity Center gym. Upon request, pedometers and BMI checks are available.
Becky Kuykendall
Mon/Wed/Fri, 9:30-10am
Activity Center, Rm 101
Immediately following the Walking Group, the group continues with mostly chair exercises designed to improve strength and balance, and reduce the risk of falls.
CONTACT Becky Kuykendall
PHYSICAL 1502 RR 620 North
Lakeway, Texas 78734
MAILING P.O. Box 341268
Lakeway, Texas 78734
512-266-9877 •
© 2024 Lake Travis United Methodist Church