United Women in Faith is an international women’s organization of the United Methodist Church. First and foremost, we are organized for learning about and taking action for missions, including local and international outreach programs.
The four primary focuses of UWF are…
• To be a community of women
• To know God
• To develop a creative and supportive fellowship
• To expand concepts of mission
3rd Tuesdays, September thru May
Worship Center, Wesley Rm
—9:45am, Susannah Wesley Circle
—7pm, Growing Friendship Circle
Our UWF unit has two groups called “circles” — the Susannah Wesley Circle and the Growing Friendship Circle. Three to five times throughout the year, both circles come together for unit meetings with guest speakers, mission projects, missions studies and more. Our unit meetings are a time to fellowship, hear an inspirational and educational speaker and learn about outreach programs beyond our church.
Debby Duplantis, President
Heather Goodson, Vice-President
Sondra Mechaley, Secretary
Diane Rhodes, Treasurer
Joann Robison, Social Action
Phyllis Gorman, Membership, Nurture & Outreach
Nominations, Martha Glassmire & Marilyn Cobb
Tammy Daubert, Resource Coordinator
Cheri Stringer, Communications
Susannah Wesley Circle Chairs
Darlene Wuensche
Diana Hall
Growing Friendship Circle Chairs
Debby Connors
Phyllis Gorman
Thank you for signing up for our United Women in Faith monthly newsletter! We look forward to connecting with you.
Signup for LTUMC Weekly News
and UWF updates
UWF Worldwide Missions
Lake Travis Crisis Ministries
Partners in Hope
Angel Tree Project
Street Youth Ministry
UMCOR Hurricane Relief
Joe Gorman Memorial Scholarship
Mission Border Hope
Scout Troop 440
World Thank Offering
Women's Retreat Scholarship
UWF Day of Giving
Special Mission Recognition Pins
Gifts for Graduating Seniors
Guest Speaker Honorariums
Donations to Hughes & Rios Families
Altar Flowers for Baptisms
Altar Flowers
Youth Study Bibles
Gift in Memory: Ron Price, Rom Forrester
Response Magazine Subscriptions
Project Linus
Back to School Shoe Drive
Lake Travis HS Cav Lounge
Lake Travis MS Buc Lounge
Lake Travis Crisis Ministries
Partners in Hope Dinner
Street Youth Ministry
Sunrise Navigation Center
Foster Village
Lake Travis Crisis Ministries
Abigail Keller Foundation
PHYSICAL 1502 RR 620 North
Lakeway, Texas 78734
MAILING P.O. Box 341268
Lakeway, Texas 78734
512-266-9877 • ltumc.org
© 2024 Lake Travis United Methodist Church