For students in grades 6 through 12

“Let no one look down on your youthfulness, but rather in speech, conduct, love, faith and purity, show yourself an example of those who believe.” 1 Timothy 4: 12

On Sundays


Activity Ctr loft

9:45am — Hangout/Snacks

10am — Lesson/Groups

10:55am — Dismissal

6th-12th graders are invited to our weekly Bible study as we journey into faith together.


Activity Ctr gym, 7-9pm

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Jordan Monroe

Student Ministries Director

Get Student Ministry News & Updates!

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@ltumcms  for Middle School

@ltumchs  for High School

@ltumcmpg  for Moms, Dads, Guardians & Volunteers

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Joe Gorman Scholarship Fund

The United Methodist Men of Lake Travis United Methodist Church (LTUMC) offer Joe Gorman Memorial Scholarships, which are applicable to any accredited university, college or trade/technical school for the upcoming academic year.

Scholarship applications can be submitted Tuesday, Jan 16-Thursday, Feb 29, 2025. Follow-up interviews will be scheduled. For general and application info, visit HERE.

Student Ministry Events

Pick-Up Basketball

Activity Center gym, 7-9pm

Students are invited to some Pick-Up Basketball every Thursday over the summer!

Questions? Email Jordan Monroe.

Wed, Mar 19

Hone your marksmanship for our upcoming Paintball event!

Questions? Email Jordan Monroe.

Sun, Mar 23
Scavenger Hunt


We'll meet up with other Austin-area UMC Student groups for a fantastic Scavenger Hunt at The Domain and 5th Graders are welcome! Gather up your sense of adventure, a phone (if you have one) and money for dinner!

Get meetup info or ask questions… email Jordan Monroe.

Sun, Apr 27
Senior Recognition Sunday

More info TBA. Questions? Email Jordan Monroe.

Sun, May 4
Fifth Grade Blessing & Full Summer Inclusion

More info TBA. Questions? Email Jordan Monroe.

Fri, Jun 6

We'll join up with other Austin-area UMC Student groups. More info TBA. Questions? Email Jordan Monroe.

Thu-Sat, Jun 19-21
Together We Serve: A Family Service Camp

In keeping with the LTUMC mission statement, discovering our purpose together through community, service and worship, to make disciples for Jesus Christ, Together We Serve will focus on these key areas.
Together We Serve will bring the LTUMC community together to serve the greater Lakeway and Austin communities. Together We Serve is an intergenerational experience designed for families of all ages to serve others outside of their typical social spheres.
Together We Serve is focused on serving others with dignity and with the love of Christ.
Worship of God will be incorporated throughout each day and designed to be inclusive and for all ages.

Student Ministry Calendar

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