Lake Travis United Methodist Church

Practicing the Nudges

Well, I hope your talking time with God was a little more deep and a little more special this past week. 

As we develop our relationship with God the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, by spending this special time with Him everyday, He will continue to teach us every day if we allow Him to.  And one of the big ways He does this is through “nudges.”  During our quiet talking time with God, He will teach us sooo much, if we will take the
time to let Him.  We’ve talked about these “nudges” before, but I hope you’ll make it your goal this next week, to allow God to teach you what these nudges feel like, sound like, look like, might even smell or taste like!  And I hope you’ll practice responding to and obeying those nudges.

You may be wondering what these “nudges” during our special time with God look like.  So, one day this past week I was in Ezekiel 41.  And I had read Ezekiel 40 the previous day.  These two chapters have a lot of measurements in them!  Cubits, rods, widths and heights!  By the time I’d made it through Ezekiel 40 the previous day, and listened for what God was wanting me to know, I started off the next day asking God what it was going to be that He would teach me today from more measurements!  To say the least, I was a bit hesitant about what more He could possibly teach me about measurements, not to mention a little bored by all the measurements!  I had a great attitude - don’t you think?! 

As I read through Ezekiel 41 I asked God to point out what was important for me that day and I ended with three things that I had noticed.  I went first to the words that
I thought must be the most important because they sounded the most important - “This is the Most Holy Place” (Ezekiel 41:4).  And God and I talked about that, but the word that had actually stood out the most to me was “palm trees” and subsequently “Cherubim.”  And so after we had talked about the “Most Holy Place” I felt a nudge that I was not done yet - that I needed to spend some time with “palm trees.”  And so, to be honest, a little reluctantly, I went and looked up what “palm trees” represented in the Bible.  Well, wow!  That was pretty powerful!!  And then I had to look up “Cherubim” at that point as well.  And then I talked about what I had found with God to see what He wanted me to understand from it all.

Following those nudges brought me so much more learning, and depth of understanding, then I would have had otherwise from that day’s discussion.  And I just smiled and talked with God - thanking Him for helping me follow those nudges and not ignore them.  And I know, by practicing following His nudges during our special talking time together, that I am better equipped to follow His nudges in my daily life!

So I cheer you on for learning and following nudges this week!

May God bless your time with Him this week.  May you look upon the face of Jesus and see Him in all His glory.  May the Holy Spirit move in you in ways you’ve never felt before.  May the God of hope, and love, and peace, be your full and complete protection throughout your every day.  Amen...So be it 😊.

@Lake Travis United Methodist Church 2022

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